Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fatherhood and Evangelism

Life has been really busy as the Lord has graciously given me a new brother (in law) and a daughter in the last month so I haven't had much time to write as I have had in the past.

Having a daughter really didn't set in for me during the pregnancy, even though it literally did for my wife, until we went to the hospital. We have an almost 3 year old boy already and our daughter was just born on our anniversary weighing 10.5 pounds! My wife did a great job in giving birth to her! Praise God! Through the experience I have noticed that one of my strengths is that I don't worry very much about things when it comes to the serious stuff because I know that God is sovereign and in control. However, my weakness lies in sweating the small stuff. It's odd how that works out, because God is always in control of all of it.

I'm basically writing to talk a little about what has been going on and my reflections of being a father of two and evangelism. Honestly, my outlook on fatherhood hasn't changed much with the new addition of my family. When I found out I was having my boy almost 3 years ago I started researching, reading extensively, and listening to sermons on raising a godly son or daughter. I have always enjoyed teaching and working with children and I am extremely passionate about parenting because it is a calling and a God-given responsibility that should be embraced by every parent, especially the head of the family, which is the father.

I have definitely already made mistakes as a parent, but the biggest mistake when it comes to children is not admitting to them when you have wronged them, not prayerfully doing something about it, and not asking for forgiveness of the ones you have done it to. There has always been this cliche that a parent can't be wrong or especially let the child know, which is a great flaw in itself. Even though I have a toddler and infant I am beginning to see how serious, but joyous parenthood is meant to be, especially when done biblically. I've learned that the key to parenting doesn't start with the child, it starts with God and then your wife, or spouse. Many of my weaknesses or short comings are reflected in my handling of situations and treatment of my wife. A wise man once said if you want to know how a man really is then ask his wife. There is a a boat load of truth to that statement!

Through much prayer, reflection and study of scriptures my family has grown this past year. It is not a smooth process to establish certain rules or guidelines and go against most of what our culture says is acceptable, especially having grown up in it, but when you really step back and compare what is happening nowadays to what scripture really says and how things were in the last 100 years ago it really isn't all that surprising why we are where we are culturally today. I know the road ahead is going to be a difficult one for our family as we will be doing some things differently with our children, but the end result is for the glory of God and the best interest of our family in serving Christ.

On an evangelism note, I haven't got to go and witness anywhere due to my first job as a witness, being a leader for our family and partner to my wife. I still have to be humbled sometimes to realize that evangelism is important and everyone is to be doing it, but there are other responsibilities as well, which is how I lead and serve my family for Christ. I thank the Lord that he brought a (former) Mormon missionary who was questioning the existence of God and two Jehovah's Witness encounters to my house since I could not leave it much the during the last month.

I'm thankful for my wife, sister, father, and mother who understand how important spreading the Gospel is to me, or how important it is, period. My sister let me place a ton of tracts around at her wedding, which is a really cool and admirable thing of her to do. A lot of people and "Christians" are embarrassed by Gospel tracts, just what I've seen from my experience. My parents and wife also reinforce my efforts as well. I know that handing out tracts to people and witnessing publicly is not a popular thing to do at all, but there is more at stake than being socially acceptable, souls.

I was able to go and witness at my favorite fishing spot last night, the Harbor, and talk to many people concerning their eternal salvation. There were really great conversations, but I always tend to dwell on the one or two that don't go quite the way I want them to, but again, a Christian's responsibility is planting a seed of that which is the Gospel, no matter what the reaction is. If I go a week without sharing the Gospel with someone face to face then I find it extremely difficult to start back up, it's kind of like exercising! But by praying for the leading and strengthening of the Holy Spirit all things are possible.

So to wrap up, fatherhood is great, but I take it very seriously. The time we spend with our children is more important than sports, hobbies, TV, or anything else. Quality time comes from quantity time. The more time we spend with our children the more quality time and teachable moments there will be opportunities for. I have found that my biggest battle is not with the flesh, or Satan, but with wordiness. I think it is the most subtle of the three and the most prominent in our American culture, but that is a whole other topic for another day.

May God bless you and yours and thank you for reading!

In Christ,


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