Friday, August 28, 2009

Why I witness

Why do I witness?

Before I start if you haven't read my blog before I want you to realize I'm not a religious nut job. I'm not crazy. I don't work in a church nor am I a pastor. I'm a 24 year old teacher in public education who simply loves God and loves people. Most importantly, I am a Christian.

I do evangelism, witnessing, soul-winning, whatever you want to call it. I do it through using tracts, walking up to random people, talking to people I know, or using the internet as a tool to get the law and gospel of our Lord to others. Through my blogs I'm always going to be what I call unintentionally, but probably offensively and lovingly blunt.

I think there are many motives for one wanting to go out and witness. There are good motives and bad motives just like anything else. Some people do it to gain notches on their religious belts, or to look "holier" than others. I've been blessed enough to meet and work with people who do it for the right reasons.

The best way to witness is to do it biblical and selfless. I'll save the verses for the end.

Once I became saved, actually realizing what I was saved from and embracing who God really is, I wanted to literally shout it to the world. I was also blessed enough to be lead to biblical teaching of evangelism and not make the mistakes that are leading future "Christians" to really becoming false converts and atheists. I was a false convert, meaning I thought I was saved because I said a prayer and said I loved Jesus along with reading the Bible.

Truth be told, there is a heaven and there is a hell. Heaven is eternal. Hell is eternal. The Bible makes it very clear who goes where and it's pretty shocking when you discover that. Hell is a bad, bad, bad, bad place that we will not ever be able to fully understand the torment of it. Why else would God come to earth as Jesus Christ to die for our sins?

Others try to twist words in the Bible or not acknowledge it in church to make it seem like it isn't real or that you just cease to exist. Why? Because it's so horrible and no one wants to make anyone have feelings other than happiness nowadays. Trust me, if there is one thing I wish wasn't in the bible it would be hell, but I'm certainly not going to ignore it! I'm going to do something about it!

People shouldn't repent and trust in Christ because of the fear of hell or the expectation of heaven. They should because of the love for what Christ did and that we have a holy, just, and loving God. But when I witness and talk to people I am not going to leave details out. If you tell someone who loves their sin and the world then they are more than likely not going to care about what God can do for them. If I told someone I had a cure for an unheard of disease they are not going to want it unless they know what it is and that they have it.

Just like me, people don't understand what the gospel is unless they know what sin is and why Jesus died for our sins and rose 3 days later forever defeating death for those who truly BELIEVE in Him. We use terminology like saved and born-again, but those who aren't Christians don't understand. What are Christians saved from? What does born-again mean?

I witness because I don't ignore hell. If I know there is a possibility that people are going to go there then I am going to do something about it. So many people I have encountered claim to be Christians but don't know who Christ is. I do believe in meeting people where they are. The problem I have with that statement is people think you should become someones friend or pamper them before sharing the gospel with them. Where does Jesus or the apostles do that in the bible?? Eleven of the twelve apostles were killed because they cared more about peoples souls than their feelings. Do you want to know where people ARE? The bible says we are natural born sinners who are destined for hell unless we have repented and trusted in Christ. God is sovereign, but He uses us and our prayers through the Holy Spirit to do His will. How awesome is that?!?

If someone is about to step off what looks like a steep cliff to their death I am going to stop them and try to rescue them whether the cliff is really only 1 or 200 feet deep. What I mean is I don't worry if someone is a already a Christian or not. I'm going to share the law and the gospel with them regardless. If they are already, then they should appreciate what I'm trying to do rather than get offended.

I believe our daily walk in life as a Christian does serve as part of our witness, but that certainly isn't all of it. If there is a group of people standing on a burning building are you going to go and help them or are you going to walk by them showing off your good lifestyle? Do you think the Holy Spirit works more through our lifestyle or our proclamation of the gospel?

I'm not perfect, and I never will be. I am a horrible, wretched person, but I'm saved by the blood of Jesus Christ through His grace. I don't always share the law and gospel with everyone, but I definitely try and it tears me up when I don't. I don't ever proclaim to be holier or better than anyone. I am humbled and honored to serve the one true God. You could say I have a burden, but it's really a Christians calling, a privilege and an honor. He commands that of us.

Words from Jesus:

Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Mark 16:15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Matthew 7:13
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

I find joy in loving God and loving people. It's not always easy, but I give it all my effort. Of course I slip up and sin, but I ask for forgiveness (that doesn't save me, I'm already saved) and repent, meaning I turn away from that sin and turn to God. As I always say, when you become a Christian you stop jumping into sin, but you will still fall. Meaning, you don't do it on purpose anymore expecting forgiveness.

I'm not saying that everyone has to do the things I do or spread the gospel the way I do, but I am saying everyone should spread the gospel biblically.

That is why I witness.

Mark 12:28
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these."

All of the glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ,

Joey Acker

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