Sunday, August 30, 2009

A conversation with Gilbert

I'm going to try and transcribe one of my witnessing encounters today. This is my first time so I'm sorry if it's difficult to read.

Melanie, Grayson and I just got done eating at the Harbor in Rockwall. I didn't have a chance to go to my favorite fishing spot yesterday so I said I had to go today even though it would not be near as crowded.

Anyways we had just got done eating lunch and Melanie took Grayson to play at the fountain as I ventured off to see what God would do. As I said before there were not very many people there at all when someone exiting the movies by himself stuck out to me. He had long hair, short beard, and looked to be somewhere between 20 and 25.

I usually have the opportunity to witness to groups of people rather than individuals. Individuals usually aren't hanging around so they are on the go and will take a tract without stopping. So I approached him and handed him a million dollar bill, "did you get one of these"?

"No I didn't" and he stopped to read it.

I started to walk off, but came back to talk him.

I asked, "do you have a religious background"

"No, not really"

"Really? You've never gone to church or anything of that sort".

"Oh ya, I go to church sometimes with my momma".

"Oh okay, well what I gave you is a tract. It has the gospel on it. Are you familiar with it?"


"By the way, my name is Joey, what's yours?" *hand shake*


"Well Gilbert, the gospel is the good news. This is kind of morbid, but do you ever think about what happens after death?"

"Yeah man I think about it all the time"

"Do you believe in heaven and hell, that sort of thing".


"Well, what kind of people do you think go to heaven and what kind of people would go to hell"

"I don't know...I don't really think about that."

"Do you mind if I tell you because it's really important"


"Well, you've heard God's holy law the 10 commandments right?"


"Well, I'm just going to ask you a couple of questions but you gotta be honest."


"Have you ever lied before?"


"what do you call someone who lies"

"A sinner"

"Well, more specifically"

He paused and started thinking so I said, "well what would you call me if I told a lie".

"I would say your a person who doesn't tell the truth"

We laughed and I said, "you're not going to hurt my feelings. I would be a liar, right?"


"Alright, thanks for being honest. Have you ever stolen anything regardless of value"


"Well that's awesome!"

"I'm sure you've never murdered someone, right"

"No way"

"Well check this out, in the Bible Jesus says that anyone who hates another has already committed murder in their heart".

He said, well I guess I have then.

I told him the same thing about adultery and it was the same case.

"Have you ever heard of blasphemy"

"Kind of"

"Well blasphemy is throwing around God's name careless or using it as a cuss word. Like saying GD or OMG. Have you ever done that"

"Yes, I probably shouldn't"

"It's very serious, would you like someone to use your mom's name as a cuss word?"


"Alright Gilbert, according to what you've said you're a liar, murderer, and adulterer at heart. I've broken all those commandments as well so we are in the same boat. Based on that what would you deserve, heaven or hell?"

"Well, I think we'd still go to heaven"

"Check this out though, the bible says in Revelation 21:8 that all liar, blasphemers will have their part in the lake of fire. Do you know what that is."

"Yes, that's hell."

"So if God judged you right now what would you deserve."


"Now listen, I told you I broke all the 10 commandments and I appreciate your honesty."

"This is where the good news, the gospel comes in".

"Jesus Christ lived a sinless perfect life and then suffered the wraith of God on the cross".

"Have you ever seen the Passion?"


"It was probably like that or worse. That is just part of what He went through."

"When He rose from the dead and forever defeated death 3 days later a legal transaction took place."

"That is what God did so we don't have to suffer the consequences of hell for the sins we committed"

"Do you understand"

Light bulb goes off, "yeah man"

"Now this is what God asks of us. We have to repent, turn away from our sins and trust in Jesus Christ. Going to church won't get us to heaven, hail marys wont, giving to the poor won't. Only trust in Jesus Christ. We have to turn away from our sins. Before I was born-again, meaning I was changed and started loving the things God loves and hated the things He hates, I would sin on purpose with the intention of thinking God would forgive me. I wasn't saved.

It's just like being in a court room wanted for murder saying, judge I won't ever kill again and I'm so sorry and will give away all my money. Should the judge let you go?"


"Right, because He is a good judge. Now imagine you have a million dollar fine you can't pay and someone walks up and pays it for you and you are free to go. That's exactly what Jesus Christ did for us. God is a just, loving, and holy God so he must punish sin. He gave us Jesus Christ so that we may turn away from our sins and trust Him. That's what it means to be saved."

"Do you understand what I'm saying"

"Yeah man I do, it makes sense"

"Listen Gilbert, I don't know you but I care about you, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you right now. Heaven is real, but so is hell and a lot of people are going to go to hell and the bible says so"

"Are you going to think about this stuff."


"Alright, do you have a bible? I have one if you need one"

"Yes, I have one at home"

"Well crack that bible open and start in John. I know there are parts of the bible that are dry, but start in John and it really shows what God did for us and talks more about what I'm saying right now"

"Alright, thanks"

"Thanks for listening to me and I'll be praying for you brother"

"Thanks I'll pray for you too"

Gilbert was an awesome guy to talk to and God definitely put us there for a reason. Please keep Gilbert in your prayers. Pray for that He will turn to God and trust in His son Jesus Christ.

God bless!

Joey Acker

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go Joey, I know this encounter blessed your socks off!

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