Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another day, another story, praise God!

Yesterday was a slow day at first, but turned out to be nothing less than great. My family and I woke up, ate left over Chuck E Cheese pizza from the night before, lol, and then went to Grayson's friends birthday party. After that we went to my niece's football game where she was cheering. Then on the way to my parents house we found a little boy (between 2 and 3 years old running around by himself in the street). I was disgusted at how everyone (yes, adults) at the park didn't do anything about it. They even told me just that he had been walking up and down the street for a while by himself!!

As I went to talk to the little boy and guided him out of the street he started crying and went to what appeared to be his house down the block, but no one would answer the door so my wife called the police while I stayed with him. He was such a sweet little boy and he sat in my lap until the authorities arrived. That's when the people at the park wanted to come see what was going on....

I told them to go away and that the police didn't need a scene. The reason I'm telling this story is because that is how a lot of Christians are. These people saw a little boy in the street who could have been hit by a car any minute and did nothing about it even as we had to stop not to hit him. People are in danger of hell and could die any minute and Christians stand by and do nothing about it. We have a responsibility! God works through us to bring about His will. I beg you to please share your faith however you can. Please don't be like the bystanders who didn't care enough about the little boy! Christians are ambassadors to the lost, not bystanders.

We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Everything turned out alright and I was able to have a conversation with the police officer and give him a gospel tract. Please pray for him and other officers for their salvation, safety, and service.

After that, I had a wonderful night of witnessing at the Harbor where the Lord did amazing things as usual. I ran into an atheist who I had met before who denounced his title as atheist and now believes there to be a God, but didn't want to trust in something he didn't understand yet. Our conversation went well and another seed was planted. Please pray for him as he is searching, attending church, and reading the bible. God enabled me to talk to more groups of people which went really well.

I was passing a group of about 6 or 8 guys who were cussing profusely. I walked right by them, but I felt an overwhelming impulse to go back and talk to them. When God wants you to do something sometimes it really is overwhelming if you are open to His will. People expect God to do things, but they don't fully surrender to Him. That's the key and probably one of the reasons people have to hit rock bottom before they turn to God, which is unfortunate that it has to come to that situation.

I went back and gave them tracts and asked them if they had a religious background and sure enough they all said they were Christians, even after dropping numerous f-bombs and other not so nice words. I continued to ask them what they think happens after death and as we went through the law of God (the 10 commandments) their heads immediately dropped and they couldn't look at me. THAT is what the law of God does, they realized what their sin was and that is why we are to use it! Now they were ready for the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

I shared with them why God sent His son Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man to die for our sins and to rise from the dead 3 days later forever defeating death. I explained what we are "saved" from if we repent and trust in Him. These boys understood the true loved of God. At least they appeared to. They told me they would definitely think about what I said and thanked me for talking to them. Praise God! Please pray for them!

After that I was on my way to the restroom and then was going to go to my car after that. As I was leaving I got the same feeling again as two girls were walking along the pier. I said to myself, "I'll at least give them a tract". So I did and they kept walking, but my mouth opened, "do you guys have a religious background"? That turned into an over an hour long conversation as we sat on the pier. They were very sweet, intelligent, and unfortunately victims of church corruption which is what I run into a lot.

The Lord guided the conversation without a doubt and I believe important questions were answered. I don't know their hearts, but I truly pray that they come to know the one and only living God, Jesus Christ. It was really a wonderful night. Even if things don't always go the way I want, there is no other feeling like knowing that you are serving the Lord.

My brother Ray Comfort couldn't have put it any better when it comes to witnessing, "sometimes I go in dragging my feet, but I always come out clicking my heels."

May God bless you and yours and PLEASE pray for those who I mentioned and all the others who are lost.

Thank you so much and all the glory to Him.

In Christ,


John 3:30

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