Sunday, April 4, 2010

Feel Good Christianity?

This blog today is my response to many conversations and encounters I have had in person and on Facebook.

I am going to say some hard things, but please bare with me as it is always in love. I know that many do not agree with the way I do evangelism, or with the way I even present the Bible or the gospel. A lot of people do not support open air preaching or street evangelism either. As DL Moody said, "I like the way I am doing it better than the way you are not doing it", to a lady who criticized his methods. I have brothers and sisters in Christ who are in the same boat and I relate as well. One cannot use the answer because Jesus did not do it that way either, because He did and so did the apostles. Making friends with someone before sharing the gospel with them is not a good excuse. I don't think they would appreciate it if they knew you had an agenda to be there friend just so you could give them the gospel. Souls are at stake and we never know when time will run out for us or the lost.

The problem is that Christianity to many has become a category, title, or means of life enhancement. People are not taking God/Jesus Christ seriously. I see this from people throwing God's name around like He is their little buddy who sits on there shoulder and turns his head or laughs whenever they sin. I don't spend much time on FB other when I am posting something, but when I get a friend request I check their profile to look at their religious views. Many times I see them say, "I love God! Christian, Born again Christian, Jesus Rules! and other sayings signifying that they are indeed a Christian, but their profile says other wise. It is filled with cussing, fans of things a Christian probably shouldn't be fans of, and distasteful pictures. I also see this when people tell me they are "major Christians" after they just got done blaspheming His name, cussing, and wearing clothes or lack of that are sure to make a true brother or sister in Christ to stumble. That is heartbreaking, but a big truth in this country. I am looking at their fruit, not making unrighteous judgment.

I have seen people who defend soft preaching and half-truths and attack those who preach the whole truth. I have heard things such as, "well Jesus's message was radical for His time period." That is true, but at the same time if preached biblically it is radical for ours as well. Go out on the street and preach biblically and you will find that out quick. Do not down play the seriousness and the offensiveness of the gospel. It is the best news ever, but it does offend. If it doesn't then something is probably wrong and you are only having a bunch of people having their ears tickled. A half truth is a lie.

There are also many that use the famous "what would Jesus do" when trying to defend their radical political views or justify sin as well, treating the person of Christ like He was a hippy or something. When I encourage people to read or study their Bible and the attributes of God/Jesus Christ during a discussion that is when they pull the "well I don't believe everything in the Bible." My friend, if one does not believe the whole Word of God then how could you possible be a Christian. Examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith. 2 Cor. 13:5 We cannot pick and choose what we like and don't like in the Bible and create our own god. That is idolatry. - 2 Commandment.

If you are a Christian ask yourself these vital questions. What does one have to do to be saved? What is one even saved from? One isn't saved from nothingness, that is a lie. What is the gospel? These are crucial questions that many do not have the answer to, but they should know if they have truly been born again.

I have also seen people knock those who study theology, Bible and the history of Christianity. What is that all about?? How can studying God, His word and history related to Him ever be a bad thing? Have you ever sat through a church service and felt convicted at what the pastor said and felt like he was talking directly to you. That is probably because he was using scripture. The Word of God does that to us!

The defenses I have heard is that if one is constantly studying then they are not truly experiencing Christ. People, that is one BIG way that we do experience Christ. Through His word, knowledge, and service to Him is how we grow. The truth will set you free, not the tingles or goosebumps of a catchy worship song. I am not saying worship is bad, but many look to worship service as their only experience with God. Putting feelings and experiences over truth is dangerous. We have God's completed Word for a reason. Not everyone who studies it is a Christian, but I can't imagine any genuine Christian criticizing those who do.

Hell is real and should not be ignored. I am not talking about hell-fire preaching here, but I am saying that we should all know what we deserve and are in danger of. Not to scare us although it is needed for some, but definitely to warn us and have knowledge of what exactly Christ saved us from to those who will repent and trust Him. This is an extremely important doctrine and many do not like it which is why we have cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism, unfortunately there are many evangelical churches and denominations now that are doing damage, because they are blatantly ignoring it. The saddest part is that the cults usually are more zealous and knowledgeable of the Bible than most "Christians" even though they base everything that comes from it on a man's interpretation rather than taking it in context.

Many will disagree with me on this, but the purpose of building a church is not to attract a certain group of people. It is to be a BIBLICAL church and whoever comes, will come. If one is only trying to attract youth to come to their church or higher income citizens isn't that discrimination in a sense? I know there are jobs at stake, but if one is truly Christian the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ is more important than anything worldly. And there are biblical churches out there.

The bottom line is that there are lazy people who are either Christian or calling themselves Christian. I don't know how else to put it. If you won't study your Bible then that is laziness which fuels ignorance. Sin gets in the way sometimes, but we should always have that desire. If you know more about your job then you do your religion then that shows what your priorities are. We will sit and watch TV for hours, but pop open the Bible for 5 minutes to make ourselves feel better for doing our daily holy "thing" or as many call devotional. Again, devotionals are great, but don't use them as an excuse for your conscience's sake.

The ones who do these things are probably not the ones who will read my blog, because I am pretty sure I have already been stereotyped as a crazed radical as I see many people take me off their friends list when I post something from the Bible or even about how I love my wife...that is kind of weird to me. If you are one of these people though, please, please study His word and take God seriously because He is almighty and powerful and we will have to get an account for every word, thought, and deed one day. He is our judge and if you have not repented and put your trust in Him then you are in danger of hell.

God is love, but He is so loving and just that He will cast all sinners into the lake of fire for eternity. Rev. 21:8 He provided the way for you through His only Son, Jesus Christ 2010 years ago to suffer and die on the cross and then rose from the dead 3 days later forever defeating death. He is the only living God who sits in Heaven right now on the thrown and He commands that you repent, meaning change your mind-turn from your sin, and put your trust in Him alone. He will change your heart. You will love the things He loves and hate the things He hates. You will no longer dive into sin, but you will fall and truly hate it when you do. That is difference. He is the almighty King and all that is good, holy, and righteous.

If your Christianity is too comfortable then it may not be biblical Christianity. I am confident in my eternal salvation, but I am constantly at war with my flesh, Satan, and worldliness.

Thank you so much for reading and may God bless you and yours!

Have a great Resurrection Day!

In Christ,

Joey Acker

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