Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday Evangelism

I have been excited about black Friday, the most hectic shopping day of the year. I used to dread it as I worked at Toys R Us and then at Target for 4 years so I understand the chaos on both ends of it!

I knew there would be crazy lines so I wanted to pass out as many gospel tracts as I could. I woke up around 3 this morning to go up to Target, Best Buy and whatever hot spots there were since I don't really know. Everywhere pretty much opened around 5am from what I could tell. Any time I go to an event I get REALLY nervous since I'm usually flying solo on these missions, but I am comforted and strengthened by the Holy Spirit and the fact that I have a wonderful wife praying for me.

When I arrived in Rockwall I drove around just to see what kind of lines/crowds there were. There was security setup at Best Buy so I took a couple hundred tracts and handed them to the first couple groups of people in line and asked if they would pass them down. It's amazing how well that works. Usually if the first couple of people won't take them then the rest won't. But if the first couple do, then the rest will. I did this at a model search going on at North Park and my wife and I got to stand back and watch everyone take one. It was great to see the gospel go into the hands of so many.

I almost always use my Million Dollar Bill tracts. I used Obama Trillion Dollar bills for a while, but way to many people would turn them down because of who was on the front! I've even had people tear them up in front of me. It was good for some conversation starters, but as more time went by more people disliked the Obama bucks!

So after I left Best Buy I went to Target which had a HUGE line. I was able to pass out hundreds of MDB tracts one by one which I prefer. That way I get to greet people and actually communicate with them. A couple of people thought I worked there and was asking me questions about the sale, lol. There were at least 800 people there and I ran out of tracts pretty fast. Once the line started moving fast my hands couldn't keep up because it was cold, but thankfully people were stopping just so they could take one. Some people were having their friends save their spot in line so they could come up and get some before they ran out!

When "mass tracting" the usual questions I get are; what are these, what are these for, is this a God thing, who are you with, or what church are you with.

I had someone ask me a question when I was passing them out in lines that I will never forget. I handed it to a lady and as she read the back she said, "why don't you go pass these out to people who aren't saved". I was a bit shocked, and simply replied, "ma'am because you just never know if someone is or not." Maybe I'm wrong in this, but I have to question someone's salvation if that is their response to something with the gospel on it. I would rather assume someone is not saved then assume they are. I don't care if it makes me look stupid or not, because I care more about someones soul than their or my feelings.

One of the biggest deceptions is to think that everyone who says they are a Christian is one. Especially since I have met pastors, other now born again Christians, and myself who called ourselves Christians for years, but never truly repented and put our trust in Christ. We were hypocrites who relied our salvation on a water baptism, "decision", or a sinners prayer where someone told us we would be saved just by simply doing one of those. For more information about salvation you can find my testimony under May on the right of this page.

No one has ever really gotten mad at me from what I could tell, but the ones that I have noticed get a little flustered are the ones who say they are Christians already...

On a good note a man said he was born again and appreciated what I was doing and handed the tract back. Anytime someone does that I tell them to give it to someone I can't and they usually happily keep it.

Next year I need to take twice as many tracts. I had some big money tracts in my car that I was able to pass out as well, but I was a little let down that I didn't have more with me. I went home after that to get more and go check out Mesquite. It was so packed I couldn't find a parking place anywhere except the mall.

Thankfully, it was packed and I was able to hand out tracts and witness to some groups of people.

It was a great experience and I thank God for the opportunities that He gives us to spread His gospel. I eagerly await many more black Fridays : )

Please pray for those individuals who received tracts all around the country as I had many of my brothers and sisters in Christ doing the same thing today. I also ask for prayers for more laborers to stand up and proclaim the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is what will change our country, and we need more Christians out there preaching it and being a bold witness for Christ by any means.

Thank you for reading and may God bless you and yours.

In Christ,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praise God for your faithfulness brother. May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward for His suffering.

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