Sunday, November 1, 2009

What are gospel tracts and why use them?

I've been meaning to post this for a while! So what are tracts and why use them?

*There are tracts that are unbiblical, but everything I am referring to in this post is regarding biblical tracts*

A biblical gospel tract is a piece of literature that contains the law and the gospel of the bible. They come in many shapes and forms.

Here's an example:

(The Law)

Will you go to heaven when you die? Here's a quick test. Have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, or used God's name in vain? Jesus said, "whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Have you looked with lust? Will you be guilty on judgment day? If you have done those things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulter at heart. The bible warns that if you are guilty you will end up in hell. That's not God's will.

(The Gospel)

He sent His son to suffer and die on the cross for you. You broke God's law, but Jesus paid your fine. That means he can commute your death sentence. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Then He rose from the dead and defeated death. Please, repent (turn from sin) today and trust alone in Jesus, and God will grant you the gift of everlasting life. Then read your bible daily and obey it.

(From the Million Dollar Bill Tract from

I'll be honest, before I was a born again Christian I thought tracts were annoying, silly, would push people away and thought ugly things of people who left them places. I had those thoughts even when I thought and called myself a Christian.

Once God changed my heart I immediately wanted to tell the world and share my faith however I could, especially after it commands that of us in the bible. The problem was, I was immensly shy. I began to look at gospel tracts completely different. The true gospel does push some people away. There is no getting around it. Jesus Christ would not have been crucified if everyone agreed with what He said and how He said it. 11 of the 12 apostles would not have been martyrd either. As Christians we too often say, "that pushes people away", when we don't agree with something OR we wouldn't do it ourselves.

Most of the people who criticize tracts and tell others how not to share their faith are usually the ones who don't share their faith at all. That's how I was and those who I have encountered.

I've been using tracts since January and I truly believe that every Christian should use tracts. Am I saying you're bad or not a good Christian if you don't, no, but we are ALL called to spread the gospel by all means. Having good biblical tracts is a very useful tool in the field of evangelism. Let's look at why in more detail:

Why should you give out tracts? Here are 10 reasons:

They are a very economical form of evangelism
They work while we sleep
They have the ability to get into a house and stay there
They are never afraid or show cowardice
They are never tempted to compromise their message
They never get tired, discouraged or give up
They stick to what they have to say and never argue
They can present the message when we don't have time
They can go to places where we cannot
They get people in the mood – they only speak when they are read

When giving out tracts don't ask, "Would you like one of these?" They will probably just say "No", or "What is it?"

Instead ask, "Did you get one of these?" That makes the person feel that he is missing out on something, and it also stirs up curiosity. Try really works!

If you know the person, ask for their opinion of the tract's content. If you are too shy to give out tracts, mail them when paying bills or just leave them where they will be found.

Many people have been saved through tracts, including the great missionary Hudson Taylor. Make tracts a habit for life!


At first I was embarassed to leave tracts places or hand them out. Every reason and doubt I have for witnessing or using tracts is always a selfish one.

Now I always have at least one tract on me. And I never cease to be amazed at how God will use the tract that I put in my pocket every morning. Everyone will share their faith in their own way, but I really want to emphasize on how easy and effective using tracts can be! Whether you leave a tract some place or put them in the hand of someone else, you are spreading the gospel. Praise God for the invention of the printing press : )

I hope that you will at least try it out and then pray that someone will read and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit through the gospel of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Here is a great article on tracts.,, and have good deals on purchasing gospel tracts.

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me anytime!

Thank you so much for reading and may God bless you and yours!

In Christ,


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